Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for industrial use. It can be used to make a wide range of products. Along with bamboo, hemp is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth.

It can be used in the food industry as it has (per 100 grams):

Calories: 580 kcal Fat: 45 g Protein: 25 g Carbohydrates: 6.7 g Fiber: 35 g Calcium: 170 mg Iron: 18 mg Phosphorus: 820 mg.

These hemp seeds are used for food and are currently increasing in cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses. IRUPE PY, has complied with every quality and legal aspect and regulation for its development in Paraguay within its own fields.


It is an edible seed, with great health benefits for its nutritional and functional properties.

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is an annual herbaceous plant, belonging to the family of labiates (Lamiaceae) and native to the mountainous areas of Mexico, with about 1.5 m high. The stems are quadrangular and ribbed. The leaves are opposite, petiolated and serrated limb. The flowers, hermaphrodites, can be presented together in terminal corsages. Depending on the variety of Chia, the color of the petals in the flower can vary from purple to white. The fruit is in the form of indehiscent achene. Inside it is the small seed with an oval shape (2 mm long x 1.5 mm wide) and with a smooth, bright appearance, pardogrisáceo color to white and with some reddish lines.

Milled Chia
Chia Flour
Chia Oil